These Conditions of Entry are written to ensure enjoyment and public safety for everyone.
Contravention of any of these conditions may result In entry being refused or removal from Stonehenge. English Heritage reserves the right to refuse entry.
In order to ensure your personal safety, random searches may be undertaken, but we hope that self-policing and personal responsibility will prevail.
STONEHENGE OPENS 19:00 hrs Thursday 20 June
STONEHENGE CLOSES 08:00 hrs Friday 21 June
Stonehenge is seen by many as a sacred site — please respect it for each other. Drunken, disorderly or anti social behaviour will not be tolerated,
The Stones
In the interest of personal safety and protecting this special site, please do not climb or stand on the stones.
Only small amounts of alcohol for personal use will be permitted
Only small bags/ruckçacks (similar size to hand luggage on airlines) will be permitted into Stonehenge.
Under 16’s
Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an Adult
Amplified Music
Amplified Music is inappropriate and will not be permitted at the Monument, in the surrounding landscape or Solstice Car Park. Please do not bring any sound systems or portable amplifiers.
Please do not light fires, flaming torches, BBQ’s, candles, fireworks or Chinese lanterns — this applies at Stonehenge, in the Solstice car park and anywhere on surrounding National Trust land
As some people walk barefoot and livestock also graze ¡n the area, glass items may not be brought into Stonehenge.
Dogs, pets and other creatures are not permitted into Stonehenge, except registered assistance dogs.
No Camping
Sleeping Bags & duvets are not permitted. Camping is not permitted at Stonehenge, in the Solstiœ Car Park or anywhere in the surrounding National Trust Land.
In the interests of public safety there will be ambient lighting throughout the night. Lights will be systematically turned off as dawn approaches.
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