The Northern Henge is now open to visit
As part of the landscaping of Thornborough Henges now it has control of them English Heritage are repairing the banks of the Central Henge where livestock, the wild burrowing and the farmed grazers have damaged them. They will look a lot better.
Some photos of my recent visit when English Heritage were showing off their work compared to a previous visit a couple of years ago.
I am very pleased to see the previously blocked southern entrance to the Northern Henge has been reopened to view the the other henges, opening up the ancient route to the eyes only sadly.
The public entrance to the North Henge is through the northern entrance - details at
Led by local pagans visiting Thornborough Henges at English Heritage celebration of reuniting all three and bringing them into the national collection of historic sites and monuments
— Duncan Wilson (@HE_ChiefExec) September 17, 2024