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The Times, October 28, 1918
On Salisbury P1an on Saturday afternoon Stone
henge was formally banded over to the nation by
Mr. Chubb, of Bemerton Lodge, Salisbury, and
accepted on behalf of the Government by Sir Alfred
Moud. In receiving the deed of gift, the First
Commissioner of Works said the step that Mr. Chubb
had so generously and patriotically taken had aroused
the deepest feeling of gratitude throughout the
country. The Prime Minister had expressed his
personal appreciation of Mr. Chubb’s action. Not
only had Stonehenge itself now become the property
of the nation, but 30 acres of surrounding ground
accompanied the gift. He hoped that steps would
be taken to improve the surroundings of Stonehenge.
There had been much criticism of the fencing, but
it would be impossible to leave the monument
entirely unguarded. It was proposed, by means of
a sunken fence to afford the necessary protection
without offending the eye. He, also hoped that it
would be possible to extend the important excava
tions which had already been made on the site.
There were in the local museum some of the stone
implements with which the huge stones of the temple
of Stonehenge were dressed and trimmed. It, was
hoped that, under supervision, discoveries would be
made on the site which would throw further light on
the history of the monument. “This ceremony takes
place,” be concluded. “at a time which is perhaps
a turning point In the history of our country. After
four years of anxiety, toil and peril we see at last
the sun of victory shining over the horizon. It is
a good augury. Our ancestors hero worshipped the
sun when it rose. We to-day can turn our eyes
towards the sun of victory won so gallantly by the
men who have gone out and fought and died for us.”
"Over the centuries many archaeologists have investigated the site of Stonehenge and we now know a great deal about the phasing and nature of the site. However, the area around the henge, while containing many symbolic and ritual elements, is curiously ‘blank’. The Stonehenge Hidden Landscapes Project aims to place the site and its development through time within a landscape context using fast and accurate ground-based geophysical techniques. The project has developed a rapid strategy to map, visualize and interpret landscape-scale data and is applying the strategy to the area known as the Stonehenge ‘envelope’. The data are interpreted within a data rich three-dimensional data cube that has provided new insights regarding the apparent blank areas surrounding Stonehenge. It is an aim of the project to discover more about Stonehenge by looking out from the site rather than looking at it."