Saturday 1 June 2013

A344 Road Closure and Access to Stonehenge

A344 Road Closure and Access to Stonehenge

Central to the vision of returning Stonehenge to a more tranquil and dignified setting is the closure of the A344 road that runs past the monument, almost touching the Heel Stone and severing the Stone Circle from the Avenue, its ancient processional approach.
The section of the road running closest to the moment, from Stonehenge Bottom (junction of A344 and A303) and Byway 12, is scheduled to close from 24 June. Over the summer work will start to remove the high fences along the road and the road surface itself will be removed and grassed over.
There will be continued access to Stonehenge on and after 24 June but motorists will need to use a diverted route via Longbarrow Roundabout (junction of A303 and A360) and onwards via Airman’s Corner (junction of A360 and A344). Motorists travelling west on the A303 will see a sign in the vicinity of Stonehenge Bottom indicating that they should continue straight ahead for Stonehenge. There will also be signs at Longbarrow Roundabout.

From : which also has a project update on the New Visitor centre and the neolithic huts.

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