Monday 14 January 2013

Archaeological Reports - Highways Agency

The Highways Agency has a large number of archaeological reports that have been commissioned for various road schemes across the country. They are available on request as emailed pdfs.

Of course my interest is mainly in the Stonehenge area so I requested and was sent two.

A303 Stonehenge_Archaeology on the A303
A303 Stone­henge improvement_Historic Land­scape Survey

The link to the page is:

Area 2 Archaeological Reports - Highways Agency:

Which lists lots more interesting ones.....

  • A303 Stone­henge improvement_Historic Land­scape Survey
  • A303 Stone­henge Improvements_Manuscript Maps
  • A303 Stone­henge VII_geophysical survey
  • A303 STONEHENGE_Archaeological sur­vey 2001_Areas A B C and D
  • A303 STONEHENGE_Archaeological sur­vey 2001_Areas K L M N and O
  • A303 STONEHENGE_Archaeological sur­vey 2001_Field eval­u­a­tion strategy
  • A303 STONEHENGE_Archaeological Survey_Archaeological Eval­u­a­tion Report: Area C1
  • A303 STONEHENGE_Archaeological Survey_Archaeological Eval­u­a­tion Report: Area P
  • A303 STONEHENGE_Archaeological Survey_Archaeological Eval­u­a­tion Report: Areas 1,2,3 and 4
  • A303 STONEHENGE_Archaeological Survey_Archaeological Eval­u­a­tion Report: Areas A,B,C and D
  • A303 STONEHENGE_Archaeological Survey_Archaeological Eval­u­a­tion Report: Areas L and O
  • A303 STONEHENGE_Archaeological Survey_Archaeological Eval­u­a­tion Report: Areas R and T
  • A303 STONEHENGE_Archaeological Survey_Archaeological Eval­u­a­tion Report: Drainage Treate­ment Areas 2 and 6t
  • A303 STONEHENGE_Archaeological Survey_Field Eval­u­a­tion strategy
  • A303 STONEHENGE_Archaeological Survey_Quantification and Assess­ment of Archae­o­log­i­cal Sur­veys Archive
  • A303 STONEHENGE_Archaeological Survey_Stage 2 Field­walk­ing Survey
  • A303 STONEHENGE_Archaeological Survey_Till Val­ley Auger Tran­sect and Test Pits
  • A303 STONEHENGE_Archaeological Survey_WSI for Field Eval­u­a­tion Area C1
  • A303 STONEHENGE_Archaeological Survey_WSI for Field Eval­u­a­tion Area P
  • A303 STONEHENGE_Archaeological Survey_WSI for Field Eval­u­a­tion Areas A,B,C and D
  • A303 STONEHENGE_Archaeological Survey_WSI for Field Eval­u­a­tion Areas K,L,M,N and O
  • A303 STONEHENGE_Archaeological Survey_WSI for Field Eval­u­a­tion Areas Q,R,S,T and U
  • A303 STONEHENGE_Archaeological surveys_Area C1
  • A303 Stonehenge_Archaeology on the A303
  • A303 Stonehenge_environmental statement
  • A303 STONEHENGE_Fieldwalking sur­vey and Envi­ron­men­tal Sampling
  • A303 STONEHENGE_Geotechnical Site Investigation_Archaeological Watch­ing Brief
  • A303 STONEHENGE_Ground Inves­ti­ga­tion 2002: Archae­o­log­i­cal Watch­ing Brief
  • A303 UPGRADING AMESBURY TO BERWICK DOWN_Archaeological Assess­ment stage 2

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