Sunday, 14 August 2016

The New Visitor Centre - The Dream and The Reality

The pre-build architect visualisations and the same scenes as best as could be taken, 15 August 2016


  1. Hi Tim,

    As a non-local, and I can't recall all the finer details of the arguments about the project:

    1) Are you happy enough with the outcome, compared to the "dream"?
    ii) Now that it's "run in", so to speak, are you happy with it, per se?



  2. It surprises me that with the extra landscaping trees it looks pretty enough, but it just didn't function well, both in terms of how it was built but more importantly in processing visitors in a safe and efficient manner. It also annoys me because it isn't an "honest" building, the jokey features are not funny or clever just annoying.


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