Friday, 12 August 2016

Durrington Walls - No Stones Found

The news is out now as the dig has finished:

'New Stonehenge' at Durrington Walls 'had no standing stones'

Mike Parker Pearson and Vince Gaffney on the site before the dig started.

A 4,500-year-old monument experts thought was "another Stonehenge" is now understood to have not contained any standing stones at all.

Archaeologists digging at Durrington Walls - about two miles from Stonehenge - said they now believed the Neolithic site was surrounded by timber posts.

Last year they said a survey showed evidence of "a Superhenge" of more than 100 buried stones at the site.

But no evidence of stones was found during an excavation.

Pits that contained wooden posts have been found.....

1 comment:

  1. There's a video available from Megalithomania at this link:


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