Monday 8 August 2016

Durrington Walls 3D model

From Adam Stanford of Aerial-Cam comes a wonderful 3D model of Durrington Walls.

Embeded version of the model below to fly around - or click on the link to go to it at Sketchfab.

A Remotely Piloted Aircraft photogrammetric survey of the henge and its immediate landscape, August 2016. Part of a project to investigate an arc of large anomalies beneath the 4,500 year old bank of Durrington Walls, discovered by a Eurpean team led by Professor Vince Gaffney of Bradford University who have been carrying out a series of geophysical surveys over a large part of the Stonehenge landscape. The excavation involves the combined forces of the Stonehenge Riverside Project, the Hidden Landscapes team and the National Trust.
Prior to the aerial survey being carried out, permissions were obtained from the MOD, as Durrington Walls and just about all of the Stonehenge landscape is within Danger Areas with regular low flying routes. Also Land owners and gaurdians such as the National Trust and English Heritage, had to give permission.


  1. Astonishing! Kudos to Adam!

    This clearly shows in minute detail that the Builders may have used the internal valley to position both the South Circle and the Avenue.

    Oh, and there seems to be a dig on the south embankment ...


  2. If you have red/cyan 3D glasses (red/blue will do also) you can get a good idea of the relief (vertical scale exaggerated x1.5)from these two anaglyphs:

    Natural at

    and this one with the LiDAR at



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