Sunday, 22 July 2012

Sarsen Stones On Tan Hill

This sarsen was ploughed around for many years on the ridge of the hills near Tan Hill, in the near distance can be seen a cross ditch feature which has more details of.

The sarsen seems to be unworked.

On the top of Tan Hill this worked sarsen block had just been nudged over by a tractor making hay this week. It is on the site of the hurdle storage barn of Tan Hill Fair - presumably it was part of the foundations. More on the fair at


  1. I think something may have been going on at Tan hill some time in antiquity. The name 'Tan' is a celtic word for 'fire' the Hil of Fire(s).

  2. I have a copy of a medieval map that shows an area where the Tan Hill Fair used to be held that suggests the spot is the site of another lost long barrow. I'll look it up for you Tim. This longitudinal area is angled east-west and has the size of typical earthen long barrows. It is labelled "Devil's Church".


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