Monday 26 August 2013

Autumn Equinox at Stonehenge 2013 - Full Information and Details


  • Date: Mon 23 Sep 2013
  • Property: 
  • Time: 6.15am-8am
  • Suitable for: Everyone
The Autumn Equinox occurs at 8.44pm on Sunday 22 September 2013.
Celebration of the Autumn Equinox will take place at Stonehenge at sunrise on Monday 23 September 2013.
Visitors wishing to celebrate the Autumn Equinox at Stonehenge will be given access into the monument when it is considered sufficiently light and therefore safe to do so. This is likely to be from approximately 6.15am. Sunrise that morning will be at approximately 6.56am. Visitors will be asked to vacate the site by 8am.
Please note that access to Stonehenge might not be possible if the ground conditions are poor or if it is considered that access might result in severe damage to the monument.

Limited facilities are available at Stonehenge for the duration of the access although these facilities will not be open prior to the access commencing.
If you require disabled parking, please email Sally Gardner at


English Heritage MembersFree
Child, 5-15 yearsFree

Price Notes

No car parking is provided by English Heritage (except disabled parking, by prior agreement only).

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