Saturday, 20 April 2013

David Jacques Describes His Mesolithic Finds

Amesbury excavation - Classical Studies - Faculty of Arts - The Open University

David Jacques, a tutor on Culture, Identity and Power in the Roman Empire (AA309) and U211, describes the results of eleven small excavations he directed with over 100 of his students at Amesbury, Wiltshire, 2005 - 2012. The work has resulted in the discovery of a site, situated about a mile from Stonehenge, which has been described as being "potentially one of the pivotal places in the history of the Stonehenge landscape", by an inspection team from English Heritage. The uncovering of the earliest place of residence ever found in the Stonehenge landscape is the stand out discovery, but the fact that the site also provides evidence for ritual activity in the Neolithic, Bronze Age, Iron Age and Romano-British periods, and possibly beyond, means that a rare and special "multi phase" site has been discovered.....

The spring at Blick Mead

Follow the link for the full article.

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