Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Stonehenge Monument Planning Application

Planning notices have gone up at Stonehenge for the erection of some sarsen uprights, replacement lintels and a roof, sorry, for the facilities at the monument with the new visitor centre.

The full applications are on line but here are probably the best overview plans.

 Full size pdf at

Full size pdf at

For the full file of documents and the rest of the plans the applications are at: and

1 comment:

  1. The stone hole 91 indicated by the words

    "Stone Hole Marker, Refer 10110301-K-DT009/1-A"

    is in the wrong place----wrong by nearly a metre. 91 is not next to 90 (the Heel Stone) and equidistant from the monument. Mike Pitts found it nearly a metre further north-east, outside the fence, not inside it. See plan in his paper and the 1995 book by Ros Cleal.


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