Sunday, 16 December 2012

End Of The World Playlist (REM free)

Just in case..... (Suggestions welcome)


  1. 1. Pink Floyd: Eclipse / DSM
    2. Rolling Stones: 2000 Light Years From Home
    3. Kansas: Dust in the Wind
    4. Red Hot Chili Peppers: Otherside
    5. The Beatles: Tomorrow Never Knows
    6. Moody Blues: Never Comes the Day
    7. David Bowie: Life on Mars
    8. Simon & Garfunkel: Time it Was
    9. Steely Dan: Don't Take Me Alive
    10. The Doors: Break on Through

  2. Good choices, I was too scared to comment until today but I sustained myself with alternately listening to Hawkwind's live Space Ritual, truly a a trip to the end of all things and Mahler's symphony No 2 "Resurrection" to make all things much better.
    What's wrong with REM


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