Thursday, 6 December 2012

Antiquity Articles on The Chronology of Stonehenge

Mike Pitts reported, and I reblogged, that Antiquity magazine has a new article on the Chronology of Stonehenge.

It is behind a paywall so we have had to rely on the Press Releases to what it actually says. But Brian John has an excellent article on the article which details its claims. To say he is unimpressed with the accuracy of the Press Releases compared to the actual article and to the "newness" of the discoveries is probably accurate.

I thought it worthwhile to provide links to two previous Antiquity articles, which are fully available, which cover similar ground.  Both are well worth reading, but especially The Age of Stonehenge in relation to the knotty question as to the chronology. (It is also indispensable for discussing my winter solstice sunrise alignment theory of the Great Trilithon as it clearly shows the construction of it and how 56 was re-erected by Gowland in its original place.)

The Age of Stonehenge

Mike Parker Pearson, Ros Cleal, Josh Pollard, Colin Richards, Julian Thomas, Chris Tilley, Kate Welham, Andrew Chamberlain, Carolyn Chenery, Jane Evans, Janet Montgomery & Mike Richards

2007 The age of Stonehenge. Antiquity 81: 617–39.

Who was buried at Stonehenge?

Parker Pearson, M. and Chamberlain, A. and Jay, M. and Marshall, P. and Pollard, J. and Richards, C. and

Thomas, J. and Tilley, C. and Welham, K. (2009) ’Who was buried at Stonehenge ?’, Antiquity., 83 (319). pp. 23-39.

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