Saturday, 8 December 2012

EH - Stonehenge Visitor Centre News - Dec 2012

English HeritAge


December 2012

As Stonehenge gears up for winter, we wanted to let you know we're making good progress with the new visitor centre at Airman's Corner. This time next year, work will have been completed and we'll be busy preparing for the opening.
As you can see from the photo below, the visitor centre and the car park are  taking shape behind the hoardings. The building should be water-tight by Christmas and a 'bird cage' scaffold will be used in the New Year to help install the delicate canopy roof.
Aerial view of Airman's Corner
Aerial view of Airman's Corner
We've taken great care with the design and construction of the building - disruption to the ground has been kept to a minimum and we have used locally sourced materials wherever possible. 
The new visitor centre taking shape
The new visitor centre taking shape

At Last, a Proper Place to Tell Stonehenge's Story

A visit to the stones will, for the first time, be enhanced by special exhibition galleries curated by English Heritage experts which will tell the story of Stonehenge and its relationship with the wider landscape. They will feature important objects excavated near Stonehenge kindly loaned by the Wiltshire Heritage Museum and the Salisbury and South Wiltshire Museum.
Curators discussing the objects on loan from the two local museums
Curators discussing the objects on loan from the two local museums

Neolithic Builders Needed

One exciting feature of the outdoor gallery is the reconstruction of three Neolithic houses based on rare evidence of buildings unearthed near Stonehenge. We need volunteers to help us build three prototype houses at Old Sarum Castle in spring 2013 and then build the actual houses at the new visitor centre in autumn 2013. To find out more or to register your interest, please go to Stonehenge volunteering.
An attempt at reconstructing a Neolithic house in East Sussex
An attempt at reconstructing a Neolithic house in East Sussex

Business As Usual at Stonehenge

The construction work is not visible from Stonehenge at all; throughout the construction period Stonehenge will continue to welcome visitors at its existing facilities.

An opening date for the new visitor building will be announced in 2013, and the switch-over to the new facilities will be overnight so that there will be no disruption to visitors.
When the new visitor centre and its captivating galleries open in winter 2013, we will start dismantling the existing facilities and restore the landscape around the stones. We look forward to keeping you posted as these exciting developments progress.
Computer-generated image of the new visitor centre when completed
Computer-generated image of the new visitor centre when completed

Road Improvements

We understand the closure of the A344 has raised some concerns - it's a vital change to help create a more tranquil and dignified setting for Stonehenge, but we are working hard to mitigate the impact. The Highways Agency is carrying out works to improve the capacity of Longbarrow Roundabout to cope with the diverted traffic (see details below) and the section of the A344 between Stonehenge Bottom and Byway 12 will only close when these improvements are complete in May 2013. The rest of the road will remain open until we move operations to Airman's Corner.
Work is also underway to improve the Airman's Corner roundabout. During the construction, we're keeping the use of traffic lights to a minimum but some are needed to ensure safe traffic flow.

Longbarrow Roundabout Roadworks (A303/A360 Junction)

The Highways Agency has started a six-month scheme to improve the Longbarrow roundabout at the junction of the A360 and A303. The proposed improvements to the northern and eastern approaches to the roundabout will accommodate changes in traffic flows following the planned A344 closure in May 2013. New lanes will be added to the roundabout to take the extra traffic caused by the closure of the A344 and the centre of the roundabout itself will be realigned.
During the works, there will be lane closures on the northern and eastern approaches to Longbarrow roundabout and a temporary 40mph speed limit in place. The A360 south of Longbarrow will be closed for up to eight days and nights on dates to be confirmed in either February or March 2013. Diversion routes will be in operation using the A345 or the A36 depending on journey destinations.

If you have any questions regarding the project please email English Heritage at

1 comment:

  1. Where has all the money gone for this project. 27 Million you must be kidding me. Someone is having their pockets lined. You could build a housing estate for that kind of money.


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