Saturday, 12 November 2016

Missing Plans for the A344 Access

Planning application 16/03988/FUL for the new Coach park and related works at Stonehenge had several conditions applied.

They are detailed in on pages 46 onwards of the response document ;

One of them is: Notwithstanding the submitted drawings showing the proposals for directing pedestrian arrivals in the vicinity of the A344 junction with Byway 12, prior to the commencement of the development hereby approved further details shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority demonstrating how pedestrians using the signed and lined route on the southern side of the A344 can access the Stones without having to cross the A344 or to walk within the route used by the Visitor Transit System to the east side of Byway 12. The approved details shall be implemented before the proposed bus turning arrangements are brought into effect.
Reason: In the interests of highway and visitor pedestrian safety

The development has commenced but the approved plans are not available on the website - the document above merely says they are "TO FOLLOW"

It would be useful to see the plans.

UPDATE: I now have the plans - more to follow...

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