Tuesday 19 July 2016

Peter Dunn Exhibition and Sale

McNeill Gallery of Contemporary Art

A History of the Stonehenge Complex in reconstruction paintings and sketches
by Archaeological Artist Peter Dunn
From 23rd July to 13th August
ImageStonehenge 2,800 BC
Gouache on Art paper
ImageWest Amesbury, Bronze Age.
Pen & Ink working sketch
Stonehenge, Bluestonehenge, Durrington Timber Circle as magnificent and complex as Stonehenge itself. With over 25 years working with Archaeologists on the subject these colourful and dramatic gouache and mixed media paintings use the available evidence and theories to create an interpretation that will inform and inspire people about one of the most exciting and awesome subjects of all.

“Stonehenge.. The truth is out there ...."
All artworks and prints will be for sale.

McNeill Gallery 2 Market Place, Pewsey, Wilts, SN9 5AA [map]
Tel: +44 (0)1672 564 802 Mob: +44 (0)7702 472 326 wwww.mcneillgallery.com

1 comment:

  1. Anyone who might have trouble visualizing the mountain of facts, figures and associated gobblety-gook that are the pitfalls of studying the Stonehenge-era Neolithic, would be well-served by reviewing Mr Dunn's work. It is informative, entertaining and well executed.

    All the most recent information and interpretations are to be found in his painted renderings, which are works of art by themselves.



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