Thursday 12 May 2016

EH Planning Application

There is a planning application from English Heritage to build a new Coach Park building and change the layout of the visitor terminals:


Stonehenge Visitors Centre Airmans Corner SP4 7DE

Permanent use of temporary coach park and modification of existing coach park to create 53 coach spaces and 26 motorhome spaces; construction of ancillary building for new coach visitor facilities; change of use from agricultural land and creation of new visitor transit system turnaround area for shuttle bus use; creation of extended visitor transit system turnaround area for shuttle bus use; decommissioning of existing visitor transit system turnaround area; all with associated ancillary and landscaping works.

Consultation expiry Thursday 2 June, 2016
Target date for decision Friday 22 July, 2016

Suggested changes of particular relevance to tour operators and GTOs include the creation of a newly-designed coach park with a more streamlined layout and permanent spaces for up to 53 60-seater coaches; the introduction of a new Group Reception Building in a more convenient location, with exclusive WC facilities just for group visitors; and a new Visitor Transit Shuttle pick-up-point exclusively for groups to be located next to the Group Reception Building so groups can go directly from their coach to the Stone Circle at peak times.

 Kate Davies, English Heritage's manager of Stonehenge ( says: “The temporary expanded coach park which has provided extra parking for more than 20 coaches over the past year has made a substantial difference to the efficiency of our operation at Stonehenge, and brought benefits to all our visitors. It has also been welcomed by our travel and tourism colleagues bringing their tour groups to us. But permission for this temporary parking expires in 2017. So we are now seeking to introduce a sustainable longer term and permanent solution, which also addresses other pressure points on site that have impacted negatively on our ability to fully offer world class facilities at this leading UK attraction."


  1. Hi, It looks as if coach passengers, upon disembarking, will have to cross the line of coach movement in order to access the new group visitor buildings. Please could you include a larger scale version of this image so that the labelling can be enlarged and read clearly, or provide a link to a website where such a larger image can be found. Thank you.

    1. is the plan.


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