Monday 6 February 2012

Seeing Beneath Stonehenge | Exploring the Stonehenge Riverside project with Google Earth

When this was first released there seemed to be some problems which I trust have now been solved.

For anyone interested in Stonehenge it is a must.

Seeing Beneath Stonehenge | Exploring the Stonehenge Riverside project with Google Earth: "Seeing Beneath Stonehenge uses Google Earth to transport you around the virtual landscape of this magnificent monument. You can interact with the exciting discoveries of the Stonehenge Riverside Project and learn more about the archaeology of this internationally important site.
Once you have downloaded the Google Earth layers you can:

• Take a virtual guided tour of the Stonehenge landscape
• Visit the Neolithic village of Durrington Walls, including taking a trip inside a prehistoric house
• See reconstructions of Bluestonehenge and the Southern Circle, showing how these monuments may have looked in prehistory
The tool is easy to use and requires Google Earth to be installed on your computer."

Download Seeing Beneath Stonehenge

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