Wednesday 14 September 2016

Text of The Stonehenge Regulations 1997


1997 No. 2038


The Stonehenge Regulations 1997

 Made18th August 1997 
 Coming into force8th September 1997 

The Secretary of State, in exercise of the powers conferred on him by section 19(3) and (4) of the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979[1] and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, hereby makes the following regulations: - 

Citation, commencement and revocation
    1. - (1) These Regulations may be cited as the Stonehenge Regulations 1997 and shall come into force on 8th September 1997.

    (2) The Stonehenge Regulations 1983[2] are hereby revoked.

    2.In these Regulations:

    "the deposited plan" means the plan entitled "Plan referred to in the Stonehenge Regulations 1997", signed by the Head of the Buildings, Monuments and Sites Division of the Department of National Heritage and deposited for inspection at the offices of the Secretary of State for National Heritage.
    "English Heritage" means the Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England;
    "monument" means the ancient monument known as Stonehenge situated on Stonehenge Down near Amesbury in the county of Wiltshire and includes any part or parts of the monument;
    "site of the monument" means the land shown on the deposited plan edged in black and hatched.
Acts prohibited
    3.The following acts are prohibited:
    (a) injuring, disfiguring, removing or otherwise interfering with in any manner the monument or any notice or any other property situated on the site of the monument;

    (b) climbing on the monument;

    (c) digging up, removing or otherwise interfering with any soil, grass or plants within the site of the monument;

    (d) bringing onto, parking or leaving any vehicle on the site of the monument otherwise than in accordance with parking authorised by English Heritage;

    (e) bringing any animal onto the site of the monument without the prior consent of English Heritage or allowing any animal to remain after such consent has been withdrawn;

    (f) lighting a fire or a firework on the site of the monument;

    (g) throwing a stone or discharging a weapon or missile of any kind from, over or onto the site of the monument;

    (h) without reasonable excuse entering or being upon any part of the site of the monument to which access is at any time restricted by barrier or prohibited by notice.
Acts prohibited unless done with written consent
    4.The following acts are prohibited unless the prior consent in writing of English Heritage has been obtained:
    (a) entering or being within the site of the monument at any time when it is not open to the public;

    (b) entering the site of the monument otherwise than by the entrance authorised by English Heritage;

    (c) organising or taking part in any assembly, display, performance, representation, review, theatrical event, festival, ceremony or ritual within the site of the monument;

    (d) erecting a tent or any structure of any kind within the site of the monument;

    (e) erecting or using within the site of the monument any apparatus for the transmission, reception, reproduction or amplification of sound, speech or images by electrical or other means unless the sound emitted is audible to the user only.
Acts done by or on behalf of English Heritage or the Secretary of State
    5.An officer, servant or agent of English Heritage or the Secretary of State, acting in the performance of his duties, shall not be in contravention of regulation 3 and shall be deemed to have the prior consent in writing of English Heritage to any of the acts specified in regulation 4.

Chris Smith
Secretary of State for National Heritage

18th August 1997


(This note is not part of the Regulations)

These Regulations regulate public access to the ancient monument known as Stonehenge, near Amesbury in the County of Wiltshire.


[1] 1979 c.46.back
[2] S.I. 1983/678.back

ISBN 0 11 064841 2

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