3/2012 - Larkhill Barrows, Durrington, Stonehenge World Heritage Site Landscape Project : Archaeological Survey Report
Rapid field investigations of two areas near Larkhill complement a detailed analytical survey of the round barrow cemetery south-east of Down Barn, Durrington, and other recent surveys undertaken as part of English Heritage’s Stonehenge World Heritage Site Landscape Project. They provide updated information on the condition of the round barrows, some suggestion of multiple phases and highlight the presence of pond barrows and an alignment of three small bowl barrows.
29/2012 - Stonehenge World Heritage Site Landscape Project: Lake Barrows, The Diamond and Normanton Gorse
Rapid survey of three areas on Boreland Farm was undertaken as part of the Stonehenge World Heritage Site Landscape Project. Barrows, field systems and linear ditches were investigated, as well as elements of the more recent landscape. The opportunity has been taken to report a previous survey of the nearby long barrow Wilsford 34. The most significant issues raised are: the previously accepted relationships between the Lake Barrows and adjacent linear ditches; and the existence of the ‘North Kite’ enclosure. A more conventional relative chronology between the barrows and the linear ditches is suggested here but more detailed survey is recommended to resolve this issue satisfactorily; in the light of results from aerial survey it is suggested that the ‘North Kite’ is a fortuitous survival of linear ditches which were otherwise ploughed out before the first maps and antiquarian records were made.
http://services.english-heritage.org.uk/ResearchReportsPdfs/031_2012WEB.pdf -
31/2012 - Stonehenge World Heritage Site Landscape Project: The Avenue and Stonehenge Bottom
Analytical earthwork survey and investigation, by the former Archaeological Survey & Investigation team of EH, of the area to the north of Stonehenge revealed several zones of archaeological interest. Chief among these and well-known is the Avenue which, for the first part of its course, survives as an earthwork. When studied it is more substantial closer to Stonehenge than elsewhere. The lack of hollowing where the Avenue passes over a steep bluff at the ‘elbow’ is highlighted, raising the question of the degree to which the Avenue can ever have been a heavily used route, either for stone moving or processions. The degree of later damage to the Avenue through use as a trackway and by cultivation at various times in the past has become evident. Earthworks associated with an 18th-century road and a 20th-century group of agricultural buildings were recorded. In Stonehenge Bottom quarrying has disturbed earlier remains but on the western slopes a series of terraces and platforms may relate to buildings associated with agriculture in the area. On the eastern slopes of the valley a number of barrows, trackways and other features were surveyed, along with traces of a possible enclosure close to the valley floor.
http://services.english-heritage.org.uk/ResearchReportsPdfs/032_2012WEB.pdf -
32/2012 - Stonehenge Laser Scan: Archaeological Analysis
From May to August 2012, ArcHeritage, in collaboration with Dr Hugo Anderson-Whymark, undertook the archaeological analysis of laser scan data of Stonehenge, collected by the Greenhatch Group in March 2011. The results of the project were beyond all expectations. The investigation identified traces of stone-working on virtually every stone, revealing significant new evidence for how Stonehenge was built. In addition, all of the known prehistoric carvings were identified and examined, and numerous new carvings of axe-heads and a possible dagger were revealed. The number of prehistoric axe-head carvings on Stonehenge has increased from 44 to 115; this doubles the number of Early Bronze Age axe-head carvings known in Britain. Differences in patterns of tooling across Stonehenge were also identified that reveal significant new evidence for how, and potentially when, different elements of the monument were constructed. The analysis revealed that the Sarsen Circle was built and dressed with an apparent emphasis on the NE-SW solstitial axis. The study also presents new evidence allowing the question of the non-completion of the Sarsen Circle to be explored. The project, funded by English Heritage, recorded all visible graffiti, damage, weathering and restoration. This revealed considerable evidence for the removal of stones from Stonehenge, and documented extensive damage from past visitors.
http://services.english-heritage.org.uk/ResearchReportsPdfs/034_2012WEB.pdf -
34/2012 - Stonehenge Monument Field and Barrows,Wiltshire: Report on Geophysical Surveys, September 2010, April and July 2011
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) survey was conducted over an area of approximately 1.5ha centred on the stone circle at Stonehenge, Wiltshire (AMIE SU 14 SW4). The field work was undertaken to complement earlier geophysical survey coverage and a more recent earth work survey of the monument. In addition, three barrow groups (AMIE SU 14 SW397-401, SW89 and SW421-422) were surveyed with both GPR (2.0ha) and magnetic (2.8ha) techniques. The results from the GPR survey over the monument recorded responses to many known, recent interventions at the site such as the course of former track-ways recorded on historic aerial photographs. However, some new anomalies were also identified that enhance the existing geophysical record of the site and may well prove to be of archaeological significance. The survey of the barrow groups demonstrated the advantages of applying high sample density magnetic survey to complement existing coverage and the complexity of the GPR response over such features.
http://services.english-heritage.org.uk/ResearchReportsPdfs/035_2012WEB.pdf -
35/2012 - Stonehenge World Heritage Site Landscape Project: A344 Corridor: Level 1 Survey
This report describes the archaeological sites visible on the road verges either side of the A344 in the vicinity of Stonehenge. It focuses on the section of the A344 from its junction with the A303 in the east to the junction with the A360 at Airman’s Corner and highlights those areas that are particularly vulnerable to road works. This report supersedes a previously issued interim report (RDRS 8-2010).
1/2012 - Stonehenge, Amesbury, Wiltshire: Chronological Modelling
This report contains details of all the radiocarbon determinations obtained on samples dated from Stonehenge up to the end of 2011. A series of chronological models based on different readings of the archaeology are presented for the monument as a way of exploring how these interpretations influence our understanding of its chronology.
Darvill , T , Marshall , P , Parker Pearson , M , Wainwright , G
Earlier Online Reports:
Stonehenge World Heritage Site Landscape Project: Architectural Assessment
The Stonehenge World Heritage Site is designated for the importance of its surviving prehistoric mon...
The Stonehenge World Heritage Site is designated for the importance of its surviving prehistoric mon...
Stonehenge World Heritage Site Landscape Project: Level 1 Field Investigations
A series of rapid field (Level 1) investigations around Stonehenge have identified a range of previo...
A series of rapid field (Level 1) investigations around Stonehenge have identified a range of previo...
Stonehenge World Heritage Site Landscape Project: King Barrow Ridge
A rapid field investigation (Level 1 survey) along the King Barrow Ridge has identified previously u...
A rapid field investigation (Level 1 survey) along the King Barrow Ridge has identified previously u...
Stonehenge World Heritage Site Landscape Project: Earthworks at Lake and West Amesbury
Two sets of medieval and early post-medieval earthworks on the southern boundary of the Stonehenge W...
Two sets of medieval and early post-medieval earthworks on the southern boundary of the Stonehenge W...
Stonehenge World Heritage Site Landscape Project: The Greater Cursus, Durrington, Wiltshire
In 2010 the Research Department of English Heritage undertook the first detailed analytical earthwor...
In 2010 the Research Department of English Heritage undertook the first detailed analytical earthwor...
Stonehenge World Heritage Site Landscape Project: The Stonehenge Avenue, Amesbury, Wiltshire
Stonehenge World Heritage Site Landscape Project: Stonehenge Down and the Triangle, Amesbury, Wiltshire
Survey of the earthworks on Stonehenge Down, including those in the immediate environs of Stonehenge...
Survey of the earthworks on Stonehenge Down, including those in the immediate environs of Stonehenge...
The Archaeology of the A344 corridor: Level 1 Survey, Stonehenge WHS Landscape Project
Assessment of Human Remains Excavated from the Stonehenge Landscape 3700-1600BC
Human remains excavated from the Stonehenge Landscape dating from 3700-1600BC were assessed. The ass...
Human remains excavated from the Stonehenge Landscape dating from 3700-1600BC were assessed. The ass...
Stonehenge World Heritage Site Landscape Project: The Cursus Barrows and Surrounding Area
The area between the A344 and the Fargo Plantation, to the north-west of Stonehenge, was surveyed by...
The area between the A344 and the Fargo Plantation, to the north-west of Stonehenge, was surveyed by...
Stonehenge World Heritage Site Landscape Project: Durrington Firs
Analytical survey and investigation of the earthworks within part of the Durrington Down plantation,...
Analytical survey and investigation of the earthworks within part of the Durrington Down plantation,...
Stonehenge World Heritage Site Landscape Project, Normanton Down: Archaeological Survey Report
The Normanton Down Barrow Group is one of the most prominent Neolithic and Bronze Age cemeteries in...
The Normanton Down Barrow Group is one of the most prominent Neolithic and Bronze Age cemeteries in...
Stonehenge World Heritage Site Landscape Project: Lake Down, Wilsford-cum-Lake
Archaeological features on Lake Down, including a barrow group, were surveyed at a scale of 1:1000 i...
Archaeological features on Lake Down, including a barrow group, were surveyed at a scale of 1:1000 i...
Stonehenge World Heritage Site Landscape Project, Fargo South: Archaeological Survey Report
The area of Fargo Plantation to the south of the earthwork known as the Stonehenge Cursus was invest...
The area of Fargo Plantation to the south of the earthwork known as the Stonehenge Cursus was invest...
Stonehenge World Heritage Site Landscape Project: Winterbourne Stoke Crossroads
To the north-west of the Winterbourne Stoke Crossroads (also known as the Longbarrow Crossroads but...
To the north-west of the Winterbourne Stoke Crossroads (also known as the Longbarrow Crossroads but...
Stonehenge WHS Landscape Project: Wilsford Down Barrows
The Wilsford barrow group is one of the least studied of the major cemeteries around Stonehenge. It...
The Wilsford barrow group is one of the least studied of the major cemeteries around Stonehenge. It...
World Heritage Site Landscape Project: Stonehenge, Amesbury, Wiltshire
Analytical survey of the ground surface at Stonehenge revealed the presence of a number of interesti...
Analytical survey of the ground surface at Stonehenge revealed the presence of a number of interesti...
Hi Tim
ReplyDeleteThanks for links : These are great links! Apologies I've been so busy that I haven't kept up with messages and noticed that there's one outstanding from 29/09 about the link not working. I'm pretty sure we covered it here:
All the best
All sorted I believe - any problems please alert me!