Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Draft Leaflet on The Winter Solstice Sunrise Alignment

Help required - My much appreciated couple of long suffering readers here will know I have been banging on about how I think that the orientation of the Great Trilithon aligns to the Winter Solstice Sunrise. I have tried to distil my thoughts into a short document, leaving the detailed research for another day. Your comments on this linked document would be very welcome. It is publicly shareable, so please pass it on if desired. Thanks.



  1. Document not available Tim: Google docs response:

    500. That’s an error.
    There was an error. Please try again later. That’s all we know.

    1. Sorry - not sure what went wrong - I have republished it and it seems to work now - please tell me if there are any more problems.

    2. It's well written Tim: Shows the concept nicely.

  2. By the way, also published a paper through the Megalithic Portal:

    An introduction to the concept of the Heavens' Hinge

    Particularly interested in any critical comments.


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