Friday 3 August 2012

Stonehenge II - What Might Have Been

Stonehenge II

... Aleksandra Mir will also present a scale model of Stonehenge II, a proposal for a work in a public space. Originally presented to the art-commissioning agency Artangel/Times commission in 1998 (and subsequently rejected), the proposal was to build a Stonehenge replica close to the original, to reduce the volume of pedestrian traffic and save this piece of cultural heritage from further destruction. To compensate for the necessary limited access to Stonehenge I, Stonehenge II would allow full access and promote a wide range of activities on its grounds. The project was proposed a second time to students on the Royal College of Art curating course, who were asked to join the artist in the production of the project over the summer of 2001. (Also rejected.) The scale model was constructed in 2002–3. Aleksandra Mir continues to further her ambition to realize this work and hopes to make contact with interested parties who wish to assist.

1 comment:

  1. An interesting project Tim: It's difficulty to see the financial benefit of a straight replica because it won't have the other factors which draw many people to the original monument (such as dowsing, alignment theory and the study of barrows)

    There would have to be some sort of additional unique selling point which would make the replica into a worthwhile alternative. I can't see that in what you've described: Does she have a blog?


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