Monday, 13 August 2012

Mark Anstee - Stonehenge Painter in Residence

In 2007, Mark Anstee was invited to be an Artist-in-Residence on the Stonehenge Riverside Project, a huge and ambitious archaeological investigation of the Stonehenge World Heritage Site in Wiltshire, England.

For the artist this was the beginning of an extended exploration of the area, its monuments, the landscapes, the wildlife, and the activities of the people who live and operate around the site.

In 2008 he returned with the organization Artists in Archaeology to further develop creative responses and, in 2010, he was made a Leverhulme Artist-in-Residence with the Department of Archaeology at The University of Manchester to continue this work. In 2011 he was made Honorary Research Fellow with the School of Arts, Histories and Cultures at the University, and in 2012, tired of all the traveling to and fro, rented a house with his wife Gabi a few miles south of Stonehenge to facilitate a year’s long study of the stones.

His aim is to draw the stone circle for the year of Summer Solstice 2012 to Summer Solstice 2013 and to commit this visual knowledge to memory.

His blog is here

Meeting Mark and Gabi is one of the joys of visiting Stonehenge and talking to them reinforces my belief that most visitors "look but don't really see".

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