Thursday 31 May 2012

The Fake Bluestone at Stonehenge

I recently blogged about The Mystery of Stone 42c And The Lead Encased Buried Stone and rather summarily dismissed the notion of lead encased buried stones in the circle of Stonehenge. Well I was wrong.

In the recent dry weather the area where the large lead encased stone mentioned in the blog post is purported to be does sound rather hollow and drum like... but that is an investigation for another day.

Let me present you with the Bluestone Stump numbered 40G

It was excavated by Atkinson in 1956.

(Click any picture to enlarge it)

But that stump you see on the surface in the photos isn't Bluestone, it is a lead plate. Put there to protect the stump or is the stump still there? I can't find a reference to it anywhere. And it looks so like a Bluestone it is only by the closest examination can it be seen to be metal.

Fake might be a little strong, as I'm sure there was no intent to deceive, but I'm not sure how else to describe it in a headline.

Always something new to discover at Stonehenge.

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