Saturday, 31 March 2012

Is This A Dagger I See Before Me?

The carvings on Stone 53 were caught by the sun last night.

I'm not sure how many I can count.


  1. Or more axes? There was the suggestion of at least one more dagger, which I think you've caught, on #53. These carvings all seem from different cultures/influences, perhaps all those involved in the building?

  2. There's the view that at least one is a "Mycenian" dagger. It could show something else in which case the dating to 1500BC may be incorrect.

    The axeheads: Are there 14, as commonly thought, or do you think another number or configuration might be shown?

    Have you seen the chief's face on 54's side face? Does it appear to you to be reverse-duplicated on 53?

    1. Jon I think it is probably best to be patient and wait for the results of the laser scanning to be made public to get the most accurate figure and and also if there are other carvings. Though it is fun to speculate, and I will continue to do so.

  3. Tim, I fail to see any Axe heads here. Is there a photo showing this more clearly?

    1. Of the bottom two prominent carvings one is clearly a dagger but the one to the right is more of a mushroom headed shape, axe head?


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