Thursday, 12 December 2024

Woodhenge Dating

"Woodhenge now appears to be a multi-phase monument with at least two main phases – an “astronomical” monument comprising concentric oval timber rings, later enclosed by a bank and ditch... (Demonstrating) possible contemporaneity of the Stonehenge phase 3 stone settings and Woodhenge timber settings. ..The functioning astronomical monument appeared to be of relatively short duration, and presumably was no longer used when the timber rings decayed and the bank and ditch was erected (the latter might have prevented solstitial viewing too). The timber monument was ‘wrapped’ when the enclosing bank and ditch were constructed after a interval of 75–440 years (95% probability) and probably 145–280 years (68% probability)"

"Radiocarbon dating and chronological modelling of samples from Woodhenge suggest that the timber monument was constructed in 2635–2575 cal BC (95% probability), probably in 2635–2610 cal BC (54% probability) or 2595–2580 cal BC (14% probability) and enclosed by the ditch and bank in 2555–2505 cal BC (2% probability) or 2495–2180 cal BC (93% probability), probably in 2465–2345 cal BC (68% probability)."

Woodhenge, Durrington, Wiltshire - Radiocarbon Dating and Chronological Modelling 
Peter Marshall, Amanda Chadburn, Irka Hajdas, Michael Dee and Joshua Pollard 
Historic England Research Report Series 94/2024 

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