Sunday, 26 August 2018

The Old Stones Megalithic Sites Field Guide

The Old Stones Megalithic Sites Field Guide from the Megalithic Portal, edited by Andy Burnham

The most comprehensive and thought-provoking field guide ever published to the iconic standing stones and prehistoric places of Britain and Ireland

This ultimate insiders' guide gives unparalleled insight into where to find prehistoric sites and how to understand them, by drawing on the knowledge, expertise and passion of the archaeologists, theorists, photographers and stones aficionados who contribute to the world's biggest megalithic website - the Megalithic Portal.

203 x 239mm Paperback, 418 pages, Watkins Media, September 2018

Very pleased to have received my copy that I bought, just wish I had had it a month ago as I visited Orkney and sites on the way. I used the twenty year old Julian Cope's The Modern Antiquarian as a guide and so I have compared the two for the sites I visited. The Old Stones is less personal but is equal or better for describing the sites and where they are, though driving directions are absent. It also has many more sites, 1000+ vs 300. It also has extra features of lists, short articles by enthusiasts and an excellent overview of the "stone" ages by Vicki Cummings.

I look forward to road testing it in Cornwall in a week or so's time.

If you are reading this then this book is an essential addition to your book collection and I expect my copy to be rain stained and mud splattered as it travels with me. It is such an impressive work of collection ad presentation that I'm in awe and happily recommend it.

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