Thursday 1 December 2016

Ronald Hutton's Prize Winning Contribution to the New Visitor Centre near Stonehenge

Ronald Hutton - Stonehenge from Yoho Media on Vimeo.

1 December 2016

The winners of this year’s Bristol University Vice-Chancellor’s Impact Awards, which showcase the diverse and important contributions that Bristol research makes to society, were announced at the Strategy Launch on 29 November.

The Society and Culture category award was presented to Professor Ronald Hutton for his project ‘The Stonehenge Visitor Centre’. Professor Hutton was appointed Academic Adviser for the construction of the Stonehenge Visitor Centre, a brand-new building intended to promote visitor understanding of, and satisfaction in, the monument. As a result of his research and his role at the Centre, English Heritage installed a permanent display gallery there.

The 2016 overall winner was Professor Ronald Hutton for his contribution to the Stonehenge Visitor Centre. Professor Hutton received the trophy and a cheque for £1,500.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Ronald. I'm eagerly awaiting seeing you again next August.
    --Lexi Erickson


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