Friday 28 March 2014

Silbury Hill Data Archive 

English Heritage has been engaged in work at Silbury since May 2000 when a vertical shaft originally dug in 1776 re-opened up on the summit. After temporary stabilisation, a major investigative programme revealed further local problems associated with lateral tunnels dug at the base of the hill in 1849 and 1968. After much public debate and scrutiny, a scheme for permanent remedial works was agreed and work was duly carried out between 2007 and 2008.
The 2007/8 recording work identified numerous phases of the mound, suggesting that the archaeological stratigraphic sequence is considerably more complex than previously thought; the mound growing through many small events, rather than a few grand statements. The digital archive reflects the work that took place from the shaft opening on the summit of the hill in 2000 to the 2007/8 excavations and the assessment and analysis stages that followed.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting Information Tim!!

    The paragraph that states in the report that

    "There is a possibility that (despite Atkinson's view to the contrary) the ditch was constantly wet in the past, due to a higher water table or springs which ensured constant seepage. Understanding whether the ditch was wet or dry is crucial to understanding the nature of construction as well as use throughout time.

    Absolutely right!!

    As, over the course of time, the water table on average can only go down as we use up the supply the past must have been wetter as the greatest replenishment of the groundwater aquifers is directly after an ice age for obvious reasons (ice melt).

    Sadly, some of people still have Atkinson's dated mentality and refused to accept the obvious!!



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