Thursday 6 March 2014

MOD plans for Larkhill and Salisbury Plain

This consultation closes at 1 April 2014 12:00am

Summary: The MOD is consulting with people living and working around Salisbury Plain on its initial plans to accommodate troops returning from Germany.

As part of the Army Basing Programme, 4,300 army service personnel and their families are relocating to the Salisbury Plain area. The Ministry of Defence (MOD) is consulting interested parties on its plans for the Salisbury Plain Masterplan which sets out proposed developments to support these moves.

The Salisbury Plain Masterplan
The masterplan will include provision for significant new builds and conversion of single living accommodation, new on site facilities and technical accommodation and up to 1,400 new houses for service family accommodation. The masterplan will be supported by an Outline Environmental Appraisal.

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