Sunday 11 December 2011

Winter Solstice Sunrise alignment at Stonehenge

Winter Solstice Sunrise alignment at Stonehenge: "there is a deliberate Winter Solstice Sunrise alignment through Stonehenge, making use of a notch in Stone 58 to target a position on Coneybury Ridge where the sun rose in 2500BC."

Impressive find - I'll be there on the morning to try and see it.


  1. Tim

    Nice idea - and I'm sure the druids carved the hole to make a nice sunrise as they did pushing over the Heel Stone to greet the Summer solstice sunrise.

    Sadly, this is not the original use of the 'temple' as Stone 9 (now missing) would have blocked the Sun in 2500BC - The original stone structure in 4500BC would have made a 'razor light edge' running across (stone 23?) at sunrise, very similar to the site at Newgrange.


  2. Sorry its stone 8 that would block the view - I was counting from memory rather than a plan.



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