Tuesday 4 June 2024

Ongoing Work on Stonehenge Parchmarks

 I am very pleased to see that investigations into the parchmarks at Stonehenge continue:


"For more than a decade, Adam Stanford and English Heritage have periodically recorded the parch marks that appear at Stonehenge in the summer, when conditions are right. Until recently this involved oblique low-level aerial photography via mast, kite, or drone. However, our team have now utilised new UAS (drone) RGB, multispectral, and thermographic survey methods – with illuminating results....

This image shows a terrain-flattened Digital Elevation Model of Stonehenge derived from UAS survey....

Analysis and interpretation of the results with Heather Sebire and Mark Bowden are ongoing."

More at the link above, and for a full size version of the image: 


Text: Adam Stanford / Image: Survey data: Adam Stanford, GIS Analysis: Dr Scott Williams, SUMO GeoSurveys

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