Saturday, 25 September 2021

Geophysical survey at the Waun Mawn Standing Stones.

In 2018, Bournemouth University’s Archaeological Consultancy, was commissioned by Mike Parker Pearson to carry out a programme of geophysical survey at the Waun Mawn Standing Stones.
In comparing the results of the two techniques, discrete responses have been identified across the survey area. Analysis of aerial photographs, however, reveals that many of these anomalies align with geological and potential archaeological features. Based on the results of the geophysical survey and the proximity of the site to several known archaeological features, the archaeological potential of the site is deemed to be medium.

The follow up report: The original Stonehenge? A dismantled stone circle in the Preseli Hills of west Wales - Mike Parker Pearson, Josh Pollard, Colin Richards, Kate Welham, Timothy Kinnaird, Dave Shaw, Ellen Simmons, Adam Stanford, Richard Bevins, Rob Ixer, Clive Ruggles, Jim Rylatt, Kevan Edinborough

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