Sunday, 15 October 2017

Stonehenge Visitor Centre Water Supply - The Results

As detailed in a previous post I have been trying to understand rumours of unsatisfactory water test results at the New Visitor Centre near Stonehenge operated by English Heritage.

My first FOI request to Wiltshire Council failed to turn up the test results that the legislation demands and also worryingly few other documents.

Another FOI request has turned up more documents and the test results that the Council apologise for failing to provide the first time.

I might think that the testing schedule by the Council is not as rigorous as my reading of the legislation suggests it should be and that the correspondence that should be filed and accessible has not been found but I'm pleased to see the results they have produced.

One minor point is that the water will be tested for Radon later this year which should reassure the Radiophobes.

As someone who was working at the centre in 2014 I am more concerned that there was a breakdown in the Nitrate Removal system for an unknown time and that I was not informed of it at the time, I don't think any of the other staff were informed either.

Further reassurance that increased precautions have been taken, and that the problems identified as giving the supply a "High Risk" of contamination when it was first assessed have been addressed, would be welcome as they do not show up in the FOI records.

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