Monday, 18 September 2017

A344 Permissive Path - Open by 1st Oct 2017

Visitors enjoying the Permissive Path on the Route of the old A344 at Stonehenge

From: Davies, Jennifer
Sent: 07 September 2017 08:48

Subject: RE: Stonehenge Permissive Path

All is in hand and the path will indeed be open on or before the 1st October.

We have the open access period of Autumn Equinox to consider on 23rd September when it wouldn’t be appropriate to be moving fences etc at the time but all plans are ready.

We look forward to seeing Mr West and his fellow cyclists on the 1st.

Kind regards


Jennifer Davies | Head of Operations | Stonehenge

English Heritage, Stonehenge Visitor Centre
Amesbury, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP4 7DE

Full details of the Permissive Path are in the Wiltshire Council planning application S/2009/1527

The Phasing of Works Document 
( has these details:


This phase involves the release of the re-vegetated A344 area. Please refer to Figure 7 for details.

The existing/temporary stock fence and gates to the north of the original A344 are to be removed and turf used to patch any resulting disturbances in the grass surface. The areas of the permissible route that are formed using the ground reinforcement system are to be removed and patched using turf grown off site.

The permissible route is now along the northern edge of the re-vegetated A344.


This phase involves the release of the re-vegetated A344 area. Please refer to Figure 8 for

Click plans to enlarge.

The existing bridge over The Avenue and areas of reinforced grass to the west and east of the bridge are to be removed and patched using species rich chalk grass turf grown off site.
The temporary barriers/fence, such as rope barriers, to the grassed A344 is removed.

The existing stock fence to the north of the A344 and around the former car park and hub facilities is removed and grass is patched with turf as needed to make the grass surface good.

The final configuration of the temporary barrier/fence, such as rope barrier, for visitor circulation is formed into its final functioning arrangement.

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