Saturday, 28 March 2015

The Breast on Stone 16

Stone 16 is finely worked on the north eastern side, where it is on the side of the midwinter sunset alignment. The surface has been finely pecked to a smooth and straight surface, except for a nobble. This protrusion appears to have had its outer most part broken off but appears to have been deliberately left. It is just below head height.

I have no explanation for it and I try to avoid Pareidolia but it is reminiscent of a breast, or is that just me?  

Click to embiggen

UPDATE - I learn that "The giant 9.5m menhir of Kerloas in Plouarzel was deliberately smoothed but two projecting bosses were left on either side. These were later associated with fertility, marriage and healing properties if you rubbed yourself against them" Frenchpostcardsofmegaliths @PhilWat09037421


  1. Possibly an artificial horizon?

    If the protrusion was larger and flatter in the past (like the rivers) and Stone 15 had the same design a 'cross stone' (stone 68 is my bet) which could have been suspended on it, as we see at Newgrange.

    This may also explain why they chose a 'wedge shaped' stone 16?


    1. I had a look from the centre of the circle and if you are about 6' 5" it sort of lines up with the south east horizon.

  2. Perfect!!

    Cro-Magnons (the megalithic builders) have an average height of 6' 6"and a foot size 15 (12 inches believe it or not!).

    Thank you for that info Tim and well spotted!


  3. "Cro-Magnons (the megalithic builders) "

    You just made that up .

    What monuments were built by Cro-Magnons ?

  4. Stonehenge, Avebury, Carnac..... The book 'The Stonehenge Enigma' has full details


  5. Cro -Magnons didn't build these monuments .
    You have no evidence to support such a fantasy .
    Even the terminology ,redolent of fanatasy writers such as Robert E. Howard who assocaited Atlanteans with Cro -magnons nearly a century ago , is no longer used .European early modern humans is more appropriate ,and Eemh never built these monuments either .

  6. "Eemh never built these monuments either"

    Wow - so these monuments are not man made? LOL!!

    You clearly no nothing about anthropology, the EEHM term was recently 'invented' when modern DNA uncovered that most North Europeans are related to cro-magnons. It's a politically correct piece of propaganda used by academics in an attempt to show were are one big 'happy family' of sapiens that sprung from 'Adam & Eve' in Africa and not a by product of genetic mutation.

    My book 'Giant Skeletons: - found by French archaeologists now dismissed by anthropologists' (13 Ancient things that don't make sense in History) is available on Kindle!


  7. Again , it's your ignorance that is evident . In this case it is anthropology , archaeogenetics and measure .
    We no longer use the term as it is so imprecise i.e. "has no formal taxonomic status, since it refers neither to a species or subspecies nor to an archaeological phase or culture. "
    What distinguishes the humans who built those monuments from Eehm is that the latter term is not applicable to humans in the period the monuments were built .
    You may as well have said Eehm built medieval London and have been equally as wrong .

    As far as the genetics go you are more than likely basing you’re ‘thinking” on the outdated assumption that Cro –Magnon were associated with haplogroup R1 . We have come a long way since that idea was first mooted . Most importantly there is no evidence to support it and plenty to suggest it is very unlikely .
    Another fallacy is the "Cro-Magnons have an average height of 6' 6" " This also stems from the fantasy writers of the early -mid 20 th C. We now realise from studies , not fantasists , that the average was at best 5' 9" . See
    Formicola, Vincenzo 2003 More is not always better: Trotter and Gleser's equations and stature estimates of Upper Paleolithic European samples. Journal of Human Evolution 45(3):239-244.
    Holliday, Trenton W. 2002 Body size and postcranial robusticity of European Upper Paleolithic hominins. Journal of Human Evolution 43(4):513-528.

  8. "We no longer use the term as it is so imprecise"

    european EARLY modern humans - How precise LOL!!

    So was Stonehenge built by European Late Modern Humans or are we the Late Modern Europeans and Stonehenge was built by the European (bit in the middle) Modern Humans?

    And where do you think the term Homo Sapien Sapiens spring from Sherlock?

    If cro-magnons are homo sapiens (EEMH) at what point did we mutate to become Sapien Sapiens or do we now throw Darwin out of the window to justify this political nonsense?

    "that the average was at best 5' 9""

    Even more statistical nonsense to support the propaganda - the first Cro-Magnons found in France were 6' 6" others to the east were not cro-magnons (the word comes from the area of discovery) they are smaller spin off's (different haplogroup) of homo sapiens that lived at the same time in a completely different area.

    I'll try to simplify it for the hard of thinking!!!

    Its like suggesting the average height today of a man is 5' 5" taking into account regional variations (UK 5' 10" and India 5' 3" and there are lot more Indians than UK residents) - as you see maths (or thinking) was never your strong point Sherlock!


  9. You didn't read the the reasons why the term is so imprecise did you ?
    Try again " "has no formal taxonomic status, since it refers neither to a species or subspecies nor to an archaeological phase or culture. "

    Eemh were HS but as the designation suggests they were "early" i.e. 35,000 -10,000 BP ,that is before the period the monuments were built .
    It is very simple the builders of the monuments were not Eemh .
    Nobody who knows anything about the archaeology , genetics or anthropology ,apart from yourself would be so daft as to suggest that Cro –Magnons built these monuments .

    They were found in Europe not just in Abri de Cro-Magnon , you even nonsensically suggested they built Stonehenge , studies that you have ignored show that your ""Cro-Magnons have an average height of 6' 6" " is fantasy ?

    Provide a reputable contemporary source that suggests that Cro –Magnons built these monuments or that they had an average height of of 6' 6" .

  10. There goes Darwin - how convenient!!

    So what major human mutation happened 10K years ago for Homo sapien sapien to evolve?? - have was all missed something? - or are you just a simple academic confused by the propaganda?

    The Victorians had a saying that 'Long Heads' were found in Long Barrows and 'round heads' were found in Round Barrows - you'll find the Long Heads are cro-magnons and our megalithic structures were built at the same time as the Long Barrows.

    Any intelligent person (that excludes Sherlock!) would ask the question - where are these cro-magnon's now?

    Sherlock is implying that did they just disappear like the Neanderthals, but if so why?

    These were the people that outsmarted the Neanderthals to survive the Ice Age (more academic nonsense!!) so where are they, especially when you consider that MIT and Stanford University now admit that they sailed and colonised America, 12K years ago.

    The truth is that they never did go away - they created the ' Megalithic Monuments' using their nautical skills to move large stones as recent findings of Turkish wheat in a 7th Millenium BC boat yard under the solent now proves beyond question. Consequently, re-dating the entire history of civilisation in this country - not my words, The Independent.

    So sorry Sherlock!! - your old dated ideas have been firmly proven wrong ( not for the first time) I suggest you clear your head from the nonsense you have filled it with over the past decades and order part II of my trilogy 'Dawn of the Lost Civilisation' which will show you the 'true history' of our continent as shown in 'independent' recent discoveries.


  11. Ahh ,as usual the nonsense is to prop up some fantasy in a comic “book” ,that you are attempting to flog by getting some cheap publicity .
    Cro –Magnons , to keep to your outdated mid 20 th C terminology is a term for people who were not around when the monuments were built .
    It is idiotic to say that Cro –Magnons built Neolithic monuments . The idiocy is failing to understand the term encompasses a period , 35,000 -10,000 BP that is prior to when the monuments you refer to were built .
    No , I won’t find some equally nonsensical Victorian idea (it seems a rich seam for you and other fantasists ) that the individuals in Long Barrows were Cro –Magnon , that is further fantasy , you just make it up .
    More recent reputable scientific research , not Victorian fantasy , has shown that both the Long and Round skulls from Belas Knap are from the same period ,the Neolithic not the Upper Paleolithic .
    You were asked to provide evidence showing a “ a reputable contemporary source that suggests that Cro –Magnons built these monuments or that they had an average height of of 6' 6" . “ as expected and as is seen so often here you failed to do so .Linking to your own nonsense is not evidence and the opposite end of the spectrum to reputable .
    Looking forward to you digging yourself deeper as you usually do . Lets hear about the genetics , that should be another laugh .

    1. "You were asked to provide evidence showing a “ a reputable contemporary source that suggests that Cro –Magnons built these monuments or that they had an average height of of 6' 6""

      The Cro-Magnons, the first anatomically modern Europeans, living around 30-40,000 years ago, were impressively tall (many over 6 feet 6 inches), strong, fit, and with larger brains than humans of today. They had an active lifestyle and an abundant and balanced diet of meats and vegetables.

      Manthropology: The Science of the Inadequate Modern Male (2010), by Australian anthropologist Peter McAllister,

    2. You think that is reputable ?
      That is as telling as your acceptance of "worldnewsdailyreport" .
      Where are the primary sources for this claim ?
      Even if it was reputable and primary note the problems about the date range , 30-40,000 YA ,a wee bit before the period when the monuments were built , but also wrong .
      Did you take on board the first sentence of the prologue "If you're reading this then you -- or the male you have bought it for -- are the worst man in history." . Bless .

    3. "M. Megret bases his system upon the relation between the little phalange of the middle finger and the total height, of which this phalange should represent a sixty-fourth part. He arrives at results of surprising precision : — 6 ft 7 inches for the
      skeleton discovered in the Barma-Grande on the 12 th. Jan. 1804; 7 ft 1 inches for the one found in the same cave in 1892; 6 ft 7 in, 6 ft 4 in, 6 ft 9 V10 in, for the three found by M. Riviere."

      "M. Riviere does not tell us what system he employed to estimate the height of his skeletons, or rather he forgets to mention the coefficients used by him. The figures he gives are as follows :

      Man of the Cavillon cave. 6 ft 2 in, to 6 ft 4 in

      First male skeleton of the sixth 6 ft 8, to 6 ft 10

      Second 6 ft 6, to 6 ft 8"

      The men of the Barma-grande (Baoussé-Roussé) An account of the objects collected in the Museum præhistoricum, founded by Commendatore Th. Hanbury near Mentone (1908)

    4. The details of the Barma Grande skeletons are part of the studies mentioned previously that show that the average height of Cro Magnons was at best a 5' 9" . See
      Formicola, Vincenzo 2003 More is not always better: Trotter and Gleser's equations and stature estimates of Upper Paleolithic European samples. Journal of Human Evolution 45(3):239-244.
      Holliday, Trenton W. 2002 Body size and postcranial robusticity of European Upper Paleolithic hominins. Journal of Human Evolution 43(4):513-528.

      Formicola has also written specifically on skelton 6 from Barma Grande .

    5. "Trotter and Gleser's equations and stature estimates of Upper Paleolithic European samples"

      Not all European samples are cro-magnons - twat!

      "Its like suggesting the average height today of a man is 5' 5" taking into account regional variations (UK 5' 10" and India 5' 3" and there are lot more Indians than UK residents) - as you see maths (or thinking) was never your strong point Sherlock!"

      It's one thing to read and extract figures its another to understand the content!


    6. "Twat " That’s more like it Daisy , caps and attempts at being a master of repartee always signify the game is up . You must have been called that so many times eh?

      Both studies are aware of every example that provides a guide to the stature of individuals .However you want confine the study there is nothing in the studies that supports a claim that “Cro –Magnons had an average height of of 6' 6" .That claim is early to mid 20th C fantasy writers ( probably based on reading Blavatsky ) fare . We have all the plots of all the samples ,from the period and Europe and they don’t support that view . You were asked to provide a reputable contemporary source that supports your claim , not further fantasy comics like your views .As usual still waiting .

    7. Quite Right!! - I apologise to the twats on the site as they are far more intelligent than you Sherlock!!

      The Origins of Modern Humans (2010) - Energetics and the Origin of Modern Humans Andrew W. Froehle, Todd R. Yokley, and Steven E. Churchill.

      Has a comprehensive list of Early Upper Palaeolithic (33 - 20KYA) and Late Palaeolithic (20 - 10KYA) a total of 35 men and 25 women been found over these periods of which:

      30% of the men are 6' 3" to 6' 10" in height
      50% are 5' 9" - 6' 3"
      20% are under 5' 9" (bringing the average down)

      The reason for the 20% (and some of the 50%) is because they are adolescence or children - which is obvious when you see that 25% of the women are also over 6' tall.

      Just goes to prove what i've always said about you Sherlock - you don't have a clue!!


    8. "The Origins of Modern Humans (2010) - Energetics and the Origin of Modern Humans Andrew W. Froehle, Todd R. Yokley, and Steven E. Churchill.

      Has a comprehensive list of Early Upper Palaeolithic (33 - 20KYA) and Late Palaeolithic (20 - 10KYA) a total of 35 men and 25 women been found over these periods of which:"

      No it doesn't .
      It's very good on body mass and BMR but there is no mention of height of the individuals .
      If you want that you have already been told where to look .
      Why have you ignored that ?

    9. LOL!!! Height of the individuals have always been calculated by their mass as the skeletons are incomplete.

      How stupid are you?

      I know maths is not your strong point - So take the mass and use BMI to find the height Sherlock!!

      If you find that too difficult - then if we are 'anatomically' all the same species as you and the propaganda claim we are all 'modern man'. Then take the cro-magnon cranium which is 10% larger than today's cranium and place it on a body of the same proportion - our ave height is 70 inches + 10% 7 inches = 77 inches or 6' 5" as the skeletons are more robust than present day man - the skeleton has to have an average height higher than 6' 5".

      Unless of course you think that cro-magnons are small fat people with large heads, like you...LOL!!!

    10. You made it up again . Doing the calculation for us and not saying , overcome with shyness and modesty eh ?
      Body mass is not used to calculate stature , you made that up too .
      As I said there was no mention of stature . If you want that , then look at the studies that mention it , which I had linked to .

      You link to sites that are comics and attempt to sneak in nonsense calculations under the guise of a genuine reputable work . Did you think I wouldn’t look . ?
      There isn’t a factor big enough to calculate your twatness .
      Can’t wait for the mention of Atlantis and the genetics .


    I rest my case!!


  13. You never had a case .
    And it has just got worse . when you see caps you know you are going to get a cracker .

    I asked for “a “ a reputable contemporary source that suggests that Cro –Magnons built these monuments or that they had an average height of of 6' 6" . “

    The response is exactly as you might expect .
    The source is a joke , read the breaking news headlines , it’s just like the type of stuff you write e.g.” Remains of Nazi officer discovered in 100 year old Giant Catfish “, ”Wikileaks document reveals Apollo program was a fraud . “ . That is the level of your information and reading matter .
    Even if it was true ,the finds were at Durrington and dated to 2500 BC , quite a few millennia out for Cro -Magnon .
    Thanks , you have no idea of how much you brighten our lives .

  14. Robert - as an avid reader of this excellent blog, I find your comments to be irritating, unscientific and totally unhelpful. Its quite obvious that you are here pushing your books. Do us all a favor and sod off somewhere else.


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