Monday, 28 November 2011

Shine a light on Stonehenge magic | The Times

Shine a light on Stonehenge magic | The Times (£):

Why couldn’t Stonehenge be very beautifully lit every night like the pyramids in Egypt or Castel Sant’Angelo in Rome?
Sir, It seems that of all the national treasures the most iconic and somewhat abused by bureaucratic inertia is Stonehenge. Despite a plan finally being adopted, I believe that costs for studies alone of how best to route roads, park vehicles and educate the public approaches £30 million.
Of course the plan must be thoughtfully planned, and rightfully so, and one must pay to park and walk around the stones, which is fair enough as British Heritage has costs to do the new construction and maintain it and employ staff. But why, right now — with no studies necessary — couldn’t it be very beautifully lit every night like the pyramids in Egypt or Castel Sant’Angelo in Rome; endless examples exist worldwide.
The magic of Stonehenge could be shared every evening with all who pass, many of whom can’t afford a ticket, just as it was a magical place thousands of years ago, sometimes with the Moon and clouds shining as well. With subtle lighting sunk well out of view and endless possibilities of solar energy, the monumental power of ancient man’s achievement in another age would inspire all who pass by.
Perhaps in depressing times a cocktail of cost-free magic is the very least we can expect from the guardians of the national heritage. What on earth have they waited for?
Lady Pakenham
Warminster, Wilts

(That it has been tried in the past seems not to have been noticed)

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