Thursday, 13 March 2014

Summer Solstice Celebrations at Stonehenge 2014

An email from English Heritage:

Summer Solstice
• Access to Stonehenge for the Summer Solstice will take place overnight on 20/21 June 2014
• Entrance to the monument and the Solstice Car Park will occur, simultaneously, at 1900h on 20 June.
• Access to Stonehenge will cease at 0800h on the morning of 21 June and we respectfully request that all visitors vacate the monument at this time.
• Permission to remain on the Solstice Car Park ceases at 1200h (noon) on 21 June. As this area of land is rented from a local landowner, it is imperative that this timing (as with all others) is adhered to, as our use of it is governed by certain conditions. As you know, English Heritage neither owns or has under its Guardianship any other land within the vicinity of the Stonehenge Triangle. Therefore its continued use is vital for the sustainability of this access period.
• Temporary toilets (Porta-Loos) will be available for use at both the monument and the Solstice Car Park throughout the periods of access to the respective areas, as outlined above. This includes the provision of toilets for those with disabilities.
• The toilets and all other facilities at the new Stonehenge Visitor Centre will not be available for use by the general public throughout the period of the Summer Solstice operation at Stonehenge.

Byway 12
• It is anticipated that, as in previous years, temporary TRO's will be applied for in relation to the closure of Byway's 11 and 12 over the period of the Summer Solstice. As of todays date, no applications have been submitted to Wilts Council for any such closures and therefore I am unable to provide Lois with an exact answer at this time. That said, as soon as an application is made, I will ensure that its' contents are disclosed at the Round Table meeting.

Disabled Parking Permits
• As you know, English Heritage is committed to taking all reasonable steps in ensuring that visitors with disabilities are not put at any disadvantage, over and above that of any other visitor. To this end, we always provide Disabled Parking facilities whenever possible, although, on occasion these can be somewhat limited in number. Those wishing to apply for a Disabled Parking Permit should contact Due to limited numbers (as stated), permits for the Spring Equinox will be issued on a first come, first served basis.

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